Hello again

Apparently I took the summer off from writing. And part of the fall. I’ve missed you. I’ve composed many a post in my head but haven’t put much on paper. Or screen, as the case may be. But I’m still here, working away, raising children, sewing, exercising, wifing (I’m not sure that’s a real word), friending – busy. Busy busy.

My sewing life has been insane of late. There are days when I feel like I really know what I’m doing and things are beginning to click. I’m ripping out fewer stitches and finding it easier to follow directions. I’ve been doing all kinds of sewing – quilting, dress making for both myself and Courtney, applique work for my kids and friends, bag making, clothes making and on and on.


The 2 dresses I made are both for me, as well as the skirt! I’d seen an image of the black dress, for a pattern I already owned, on Pinterest and I knew I had to have it. It’s the perfect dress to pair with leggings or jeans in the fall and winter or to wear on its own in the summer. The skirt I made following this Craftsy class following the Sew Mama Sew Online Challenge. I didn’t win for the skirt, which I love, especially the hidden pops of color in the pocket and waistband, but the dress below DID win!

I almost didn’t enter this little dress in the competition because there were some amazing dresses in the challenge. Dresses that I wish I had made! But I love how this dress came together. It’s hard to tell but the bottom section has trees with flower blossoms blowing and the top has cute little blue birds. The one thing I did learn while making this dress, Courtney is now big that she requires more than 1 yard of fabric to complete a dress! She’s getting so big. I had to add the orange band at the bottom to complete the dress length but I do think it looks great with the fabric.

I have also been working on tons of new applique designs – all in my Etsy shop!

And of course there’s the quilting! The quilt on the left was more of just a fun, play piece. Something I could put together without a ruler, cutting on some angles and just generally playing around. The quilt on the right is the 12th Street Quilt that I helped test for Brenda at Pink Castle Fabrics. I’d been dying to make a “fall quilt” in browns and greens and oranges and I an thrilled with how quickly this came together. Of course, it’s taking me forever to get it quilted and bound but that may actually happen in the next 24 hours!

The bag on the left is a little cosmetic bag I made for a dear friend while the shirts on the right I made for another friends twin 5-year old boys.

A birthday gift for a 5 year old princess!

And lastly, I put together this table runner for my quilt guild. We were doing a fabric challenge with Hip Holiday fabric that Blend was kind enough to give us. I can’t wait to add this to my holiday table this year!

Well that’s enough for today. Hopefully someone will actually read this but to myself, I promise to do some more writing!

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!

We had a very odd weekend here in Atlanta. Rain, more rain, more more rain, sun, clouds, more rain and the temperature was never very warm. Saturday would have been the PERFECT day to get some sewing done if I hadn’t been so unbelievably busy! Actually, I did finish two items that I’ve been working on for a while and I’m THRILLED to have them finished.

But that’s not why you’re here today! Let’s talk GIVEAWAY! I love giveaway week over at SewMamaSew. I mean, who doesn’t love giveaways!!  If you haven’t had a chance, you should check out all the giveaways they have going on this week, it’s awesome. I mean, you’ll need to sit down with a ton of time and a cup of tea to enter them all but you never know, you could win!

This year I’ll be giving away some kids items. I’m feeling summery, despite the fact that the temperature in Atlanta isn’t going to get out of the 60’s today. You have a couple of items to choose from:

The flip flop shirt is great for your little lady for the summer or you can choose from the watermelon truck for you little guy! And really, if you have something else in mind that you’d prefer, we can definitely work together and come up with a new idea. I’m totally flexible! The shirts are 100% cotton, prewashed, and perfect for summer fun. I’ll ship to you, anywhere in the world, and I’d love for you to enter my giveaway today.

The only caveat… Let’s see… Why don’t you tell me where your favorite vacation spot is OR where you’d go if money and time weren’t a factor! I’ll choose a winner via random number and will close this post on May 10th at 8EST.


****And the winner is…

Michelle Frame – And she’s taking me to Bali or Fiji!! OK, not really but YAY for Michelle!


February goals

I was out running this morning and I was thinking about my goals for February. I don’t normally have monthly goals, or daily goals for that matter. But when checking my running mileage for January, I came in just shy of 90 miles. Not too shabby but just a few more miles and I could have hit a huge number for me. Anyway, I was thinking and planning about what I want to get done this month and the list is long but maybe doable:

  • Run 90 miles. It will be a challenge, especially my going to QuiltCon for a long weekend but it can be done if I stick with it.
  • QUILTCON!!  Woohoo, I can’t want to go to QuiltCon. 4 days in Austin with my tribe and their fabric! Or something like that.
  • Finish my star quilt as well as Courtney’s Richard Scary quilt. I’m quilting the star quilt now and the other quilt is small, they shouldn’t take long.
  • Finish Courtney’s new twin size quilt for her big girl bed.
  • Get some items up on Etsy, as well as SewHub, for sale.
  • Remember to buy a toothbrush to clean my serger.

OK, that last one wasn’t a goal as much as something I need to remember to do. I went to 2 Modern Quilt Guild meetings last week and I’m feeling all motivated to get some quilting done. And again, I need those extra 4 hours in a day.

Carseat tent – GIVEAWAY!!!

Thanks for visiting my new little sewing blog today. I also write over at Karen Chatters, which has more info all about my life but maybe isn’t all that exciting. This blog here is still a work in progress, or at least the store part of it is. But please, look around and check it out! I also have an Etsy store, which is also a work in progress. Perhaps my entire life is just a work in progress…

In a nutshell I’m an unorganized woman, mother of 2 (a 4 year old girl and a 2 year old boy), a wife, a dog owner, a lover of sewing, a HUGE lover of fabric, a runner, a shopper, a cook and a non-cleaner. As a result my house is a mess, there are toys everywhere, my Christmas decorations are in boxes all over the house, the sink is full of dishes and I’m busy sewing and pretending none of that is happening. I love my life, my family, my friends and am a pretty happy lady.

But you’re here for a giveaway, soooo….  Here we have a car seat tent for an adorable little baby! Hate when people touch your baby? Do those cold winter winds keep your baby cold? Is your baby happy sleeping in his car seat but that baby blanket keeps falling in her face? Well, with this little car seat tent, you will find 2 straps that attach to the infant carrier handles to keep the blanket from resting ON your baby. The blanket is curved and should remain off the ground while you put the carrier down next to you. And, when you want to take your little one out of the carseat, the cover serves as a blanket.



This is NOT the carseat tent I’m giving away, just what it will look like on your carseat.

So, please leave me a comment. Tell me something interesting – your favorite book of all time, your favorite food, your earliest memory – anything. The drawing will remain open until the 7th at 8pm and I’ll notify the winner by the 9th. I will ship to Canada and the US. GOOD LUCK!!



The lucky winner is…. #10 – Katie!!  Katie said… “Your carseat tent is so cute! I have a new little one scheduled to arrive in April and haven’t found out if it’s a boy or girl…. would love to win! Thanks.”

Thanks everyone for participating.